Cavity vs. Stain: How to Tell the Difference

Improving Patient Comfort

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered if that dark spot on your tooth is a cavity or just a stain?

It can be confusing, especially when both can affect the appearance of your smile.

Understanding the differences can help prevent more serious dental problems in the future.

Let’s first take a look at cavities and stains then compare the two.

Understanding Cavities

A cavity, also known as caries, is a tiny hole that develops in the enamel of your tooth. It occurs when bacteria in your mouth produce acid that erodes the tooth enamel over time.

Cavities can vary in size and location, and they may or may not cause pain.

  • Appearance: Cavities can appear as small, dark spots or pits on the surface of your teeth. They may also look like white spots, especially in their early stages.
  • Symptoms: Cavities can cause sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks. You may also experience tooth pain, especially when chewing or biting.

Understanding Stains

Stains are discolorations on the teeth that can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Intrinsic stains: These stains are caused by factors within the tooth itself, such as certain medications or dental treatments.
  • Extrinsic stains: These stains are caused by external factors, such as food, drinks, tobacco, or certain mouthwashes.
  • Appearance: Stains can vary in color from yellow to brown to black. They may be uniform or uneven, and they can affect the entire tooth or just a portion of it.
  • Symptoms: Stains typically do not cause pain or sensitivity. However, they can make your teeth look less attractive.

Key Differences: Cavity vs. Stain








Bacteria eroding tooth enamel / plaque

Food, drinks, medications, or other external factors


Often dark or white spots, may develop into holes

Can vary in color and may be uniform or uneven. Yello, brown, or black


Visible as a radiolucent area

Not visible on x-rays


Pain, sensitivity, bad breath

Typically no symptoms


Fillings, crowns, root canal

Professional cleaning, whitening treatments

How to Visually Tell the Difference Between a Cavity and Stain

One of the best ways to differentiate between a cavity and a stain is through visual inspection. Here are some tips:

Use a dental mirror: A dental mirror can help you get a closer look at your teeth.

Look for changes: If you notice a new spot on your tooth or if an existing spot is getting larger or darker, it could be a sign of a cavity.

Consider the color: Cavities often appear dark, while stains can be a variety of colors

How to Tell the Difference Between a Cavity and Stains via Symptoms

Cavities: If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms associated with cavities, such as pain, sensitivity, or bad breath, it’s important to see a dentist for a professional evaluation.

Stains: While stains typically do not cause symptoms, they can be a sign of underlying dental problems.

Prevention Tips

To prevent both cavities and stains, it’s important to practice good oral hygiene and see your dentist for regular check-ups. Here are some additional tips:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss daily to remove food particles and plaque.
  • Use a mouthwash to kill bacteria.
  • Limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks.
  • Quit smoking and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
  • See your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings.

Treatment Options

The treatment for cavities and stains will depend on the severity of the condition.

Fixing a Cavity in El Paso

While cavities and stains can both affect the appearance of your teeth, they are distinct dental conditions with different causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Repairing a cavity involves early detection and treatment.

Cavities can get worse quickly, so it’s important to find them early. If you catch a cavity early, a dentist can fix it with a filling or other treatment.

But if you wait too long, the cavity might get really bad and you might need a root canal or even lose the tooth. That’s why it’s important to see the dentist for regular check-ups

Removing a stain involves dental cleaning or tooth whitening. 

At Mesa Street Dental, we’re dedicated to helping you maintain a healthy smile. Whether you’re in El Paso or connecting with us virtually, we’re here to provide the information and care you need.

Your smile deserves the best care. Contact us to schedule your dental appointment and experience the Mesa Street Dental difference.

You might also be interested in other resources related to cavities:

What Does A Cavity Look Like

What Does A Cavity Feel Like

How to Know If You Have Cavities

How to Fix a Cavity

Can Cavities Be Reversed