Regular Dental Cleaning vs. Deep Dental Cleaning

Regular Dental Cleaning vs. Deep Dental Cleaning You know that brushing your teeth at least twice a day is the best way to take care of your oral health, but it’s also important to see your dentist regularly for a check up and routine cleaning. For some patients, a deeper clean might be necessary so …

Jaw Pain – Is It a Sinus Infection or TMJ Disorder?

Jaw Pain – Is It a Sinus Infection or TMJ Disorder? If you have pain in your jaw or back teeth, it could be for more than one reason. If you are also suffering from other symptoms, it’s likely that either a sinus infection (sinusitis) or a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is to blame. Both …

Your Guide to Dental Emergencies

Have you ever chipped a tooth? Maybe you’ve experienced a sudden and persistent toothache or had one of your pearly whites knocked clean out. If you’ve been in any of these situations, you’ve experienced a dental emergency. Every year, people visit the emergency room for dental problems that could have been fixed by their dentist. …

All About Teeth Cleaning El Paso Texas

Dental Cleanings We’ve all been taught the basics of oral hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly,avoid sugary foods and drinks. But on top of at-home care, there are important steps that you should take to protect your dentalhealth. One of these is regular cleanings. A cleaning from your dentist removes plaque andbuildup …